Building commercial products and  helping companies grow.


is 50% System & 50% Service

My expertise 

Working with platform development, innovation management, B2B customer experience, and due diligence & integration. FinTech, LegalTech, InsurTech, PensionTech, DigitalID, FoodTech, EdTech, CleanTech, Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing, Robotics…

My Profile

More than 15+ years  experience in IT and digital development, coupled with a focus on commercialization within regulated industries, positions me as a valuable asset to companies operating in regulated sectors. 

Let's grow your business together

Commercial Analysis


Let me cultivate a commercial mindset by implementing a visual way of thinking the company's services, this will encourages employees to share ideas and thoughts. Ensuring continuous service growth and a stronger market fit.

Platform Development

Let me access your platform to aligned user needs, market trends, and regulations. The result is a comprehensive roadmap, fostering a agile and DevOps mindset for seamless maintenance alignment.

Post merger Due Diligence

Let me conduct the system and service analysis for the post-merger phase, evaluating potential risks and gaps for compatibility before integration, ensuring alignment with exsisting infrastructure and compliance standards.

"Pernille has a personality that can light up any room"


… selected references …

Datacentral >> "Pernille delivered an extensive analysis over how to work with a unified customers experience, she identified several areas which have been integrated into the new 5-year IT-strategy. Customer journeys are now one of the key areas of focus, in both business and development strategies."

CloudServices >> “Pernille is packed with energy and embraces change with an open mindset, always with a positive attitude. Asking the right questions  until all business objectives are clear. She has a strong focus on stakeholder management and getting things done effectively with high efficiency.” 

Financial Institute >>  “Pernille is a strong customer experience communicator, getting into complex context, regulated processes and gathering many different types of colleagues across the organization. She delivers on time and professionally visualizes her findings with confidence

Manufacturing >> “Pernille utilized her strong competences within thinking customer centered, through facilitating workshops and sessions that helped us define autonomous solutions that customers love. Combining strong personal and professional skills, she delivered highly valuable results for the business."

Ready to get started?
